
Verb 1 : Main Conjunctions

Verbs are divided into several classes, with subdivisions according to their infinitive stem. There are three basic endings which are classified according to the first person singular ending in the present tense.  These endings are: -am; -im; -em.

-am: This is the most straightforward set of endings. The infinitive of these verbs ends in -ati: imati, imam (to have); morati, moram (to have to, must)



-im: This set of endings is usually derived from an infinitive ending in -iti: Govoriti, govorim (to speak); but they may also be derived from -ati: držati, držim (to hold); or -eti: voljeti, volim (to like, love), željeti, želim (to want)



-em: This is the most frequent set of endings and is derived from many different infinitives.  The first person present should always be learned.



morati govoriti razumjeti zvati (se)
ja moram govorim razumijem zovem (se)
ti moraš govoriš razumiješ zoveš (se)
ona / oni / ono mora govori razumije zove (se)
mi moramo govorimo razumijemo zovemo (se)
vi morate govorite razumijete zovete (se)
oni / one / ona moraju govore razumiju zovu (se)





It is important to be aware that some forms of the verb are based on the infinitive  stem, and some on the present tense stem.  In many verbs these are the same, but in others they are not and the present tense stem of such verbs must therefore be learned.  A good dictionary will supply the first person of the present tense whenever this cannot be deduced from the infinitive.  Here are a few guidelines.

Infinitives ending in -ti.  The infinitive and present tense stems of these verbs are usually the same:

   čitati (to read)                  čitam

Usually the vowel preceding -ti will indicate which set of endings the verb takes, but not always:

1.  Verbs ending in -ati take type I endings, unless:

(a) the last consonant of the infinitive stem is č, ž or (sometimes) j, then type II:

trčati (to run) trčim
držati (to hold) držim
stajati (to stand) stojim
bojati se (to be afraid) bojim se




(b) the stem ends in -nj, lj or (sometimes) j, then type III:

počinjati (to begin) počinjem
ostajati (to remain) ostajem



NB Also, in some instances when the last consonant of the infinitive stem is s, z, t, c, k or ks, the present tense stem may be different and type III endings will be added:

pisati (to write) pišem
kazati (to say) kažem



2.   Verbs ending in -iti always take type II endings:

   govoriti (to speak)              govorim

3.  Verbs ending in -uti always take type III:

   krenuti (to move)                krenem

4.  Verbs ending in -eti may take type II or III (in this case the present tense stem is usually different: uzeti (to take), uzmem).  the present tense of each of these must therefore be learned.

Infinitives ending in -ivati, -ovati.  Again, the infinitive and present tense stems are usually the same, but in these cases the syllable -iv, -ov is replaced by -uj- before the type III endings:

   stanovati (to reside)          stanujem
   pokazivati (to show)          pokazujem

Infinitives ending in -avati

In these verbs -j is added to the first a of the suffix, before type III endings:

    davati (to give)                   dajem
    prodavati (to sell)             prodajem

NB Care should be taken with these verbs as sometimes the syllable -av- is part of the stem and retained in the present tense:

    pokušavati (to try)             pokušavam

Infinitives ending in -ci.  Verbs ending in -ci never have the same infinitive and present tense stem:

reći (to say) reknem
pomoći (to help) pomognem
ići (to go) idem
doći (to come) dođem




Infinitives ending in -sti

(a)  vowel + -sti.  The present tense stem will be different (usually t, d, p or b):

             jesti (to eat)             jedem

(b)  consonant + -sti.  The infinitive and present stems may be the same, but if the final consonant is unvoiced it may change to its voiced equivalent.

              iscrpsti (to exhaust)         iscrpem
              grepsti (to scratch)          grebem